What is the Difference Between Chèvre and Goat Cheese?
“Where’s your goat cheese?” I answer this question at least three times a day at work; my response is usually
Continue readingWhat is the Difference Between Chèvre and Goat Cheese?
“Where’s your goat cheese?” I answer this question at least three times a day at work; my response is usually
Continue readingWhat is the Difference Between Chèvre and Goat Cheese?
If I could only smell one scent for the rest of my life, it would probably be the scent of
I grew up consuming Parmesan that came out of a green shaker. It was grated, it was white, and it
Continue readingParmesan vs. Parmigiano: What’s the Difference?
The other day, a mother and her pre-teen daughter were in the shop buying cheese. In our soft-ripened cow’s milk
Continue readingWhat You Need to Know About White, Fuzzy Rinds
This weekend, an older couple came into the shop looking for Death & Taxes. While I knew exactly what cheese
Ah, the dead of winter. That means different things to different people, to be sure. In general, we associate this
Sorry I’ve been MIA, my dear cheesy friends. We’ve spent the last 6 weeks trying to buy a house in
It’s only taken me half of January to get back online, but the holiday hangover is not at fault. Sadly,
Continue readingHealth Questions About Cheese for the New Year and All Year
I was going to put together a holiday gift guide for last-minute shoppers, but I waited as long to finish
[Originally published on December 18, 2016; revised.] In honor of the holiday season that surrounds us, I give you the
It is a fact that not all cheeses melt equally. Sometimes we have to discover this the hard way, by
Continue readingThree Reasons Why Some Cheeses Just Melt Better
‘Tis the season to buy gifts for our friends and family. Whether we’re celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, the Winter Solstice,
We are now four days removed from the American Thanksgiving holiday. (Yes, Canadians are also Americans, but their Thanksgiving was
One of the biggest questions swirling around the internet’s cheese circles this week is, “What are you putting on your
Continue readingWhat are You Putting on Your Thanksgiving Cheese Plate?
This is a story about some of Washington state’s finest cheeses and the fairytale-perfect land where they are made. If
Continue readingFinding the ‘Taste of Place’ in Cascadia Creamery’s Cheese